Logo Camping Tussen de Diepen Beeldmerk

route to camping

"Unique location on the edge of the beautiful Weerribben"

Driving directions to Camping Tussen de Diepen Blokzijl

When driving to Camping Tussen de Diepen in Blokzijl, follow the routes below.

Avoid the narrow streets in Blokzijl when driving with:

  • Caravan
  • Camper
  • Trailer
  • Trailer with boat

Avoid congestion in Blokzijl and stick to these routes!


Approach from Emmeloord / Marknesse

Route van Emmeloord Marknesse

Approach from Emmeloord / Marknesse

  • A

    You are driving on the N331 towards the Roundabout Marknesse. Drive straight on N331 towards Vollenhove for 5.26 km.
  • B

    You are driving on the N331 direction Roundabout N331. Drive straight ahead on the N331 towards Vollenhove Bridge.
  • C

    Drive 504 meters on the N331 towards Roundabout N331. You drive straight ahead.
  • D

    Drive 1.08 km on the N331 towards Roundabout N331. Turn left onto the Road of Two Nijenhuizen
  • E

    After 222 meters turn right direction the Moespot
  • F

    After 308 meters turn right in the direction of Leeuwte
  • G

    After 1.2 km turn left towards the Duinweg
  • H

    After 4.4 km, turn right onto Duinigermeerweg.
  • I

    After 175 meters, you will have the entrance to Camping Tussen de Diepen on the left.

At Marknesse, do notturn left on the N333. You will then be guided through the narrow streets of Blokzijl.

Approach from Steenwijk

  • A

    You are driving on the N333 from Steenwijk towards Blokzijl.
  • B

    At the traffic circle at Blokzijl drive straight on for 1.4 km on the N333 direction Marknesse.
  • C

    At traffic circle, turn left towards Ettenlandseweg.
  • D

    After 4.3 km on the Ettenlandseweg turn left at the traffic circle towards Vollenhove Bridge. After the bridge, continue straight ahead on the N331.
  • E

    After the second traffic circle on the N331 turn left onto the Weg van Twee Nijenhuizen
  • F

    After 222 meters turn right direction the Moespot
  • G

    After 308 meters turn right in the direction of Leeuwte
  • H

    After 1.2 km turn left towards the Duinweg
  • I

    After 4.4 km, turn right onto Duinigermeerweg.
  • J

    After 175 meters, you will have the entrance to Camping Tussen de Diepen on the left.

At Blokzijl, do not turn left at the Roundabout. U wordt dan door de smalle straten van Blokzijl geleidt.

Approach from Giethoorn/Wanneperveen/Zwartsluis

route van giethoorn meppel zwartsluis

Approach from Giethoorn/Wanneperveen/Zwartsluis

  • A

    You arrive from the direction of Meppel/Giethoorn/Sint Jansklooster on the N762, you turn right on the traffic circle to the Weg van Twee Nijenhuizen.

    You arrive from the direction of Zwartsluis on the N331, at the traffic circle you go straight ahead to the Weg van Twee Nijenhuizen.
  • B

    After 222 meters turn right direction the Moespot
  • C

    After 308 meters turn right in the direction of Leeuwte
  • D

    After 1.2 km turn left towards the Duinweg
  • E

    After 4.4 km, turn right onto Duinigermeerweg.
  • F

    After 175 meters, you will have the entrance to Camping Tussen de Diepen on the left.

On the Road of Two Nijenhuizen, do not go straight ahead. You will then be guided through the narrow streets of Blokzijl.